Thursday, August 23, 2012

I find it funny....This one's for you Tarjay.

Sometimes I see things that make me say to myself: "I find it funny....." Fill in the blank with the most recent make you go hmm moment. I like to talk a lot so I figured that if my husband wasn't here to share this with I'd share it with you instead. I'd probably get a blank stare from the hubbs anyway. Then he'd say: "Nice story." So here we are.

I placed an order for Target's Daily Deal the other day because I needed me a new toothbrush. Below the reviews was a section titled 'Top-rated picks for electric toothbrushes.' I found it rather amusing that the top picks all had below average reviews except for one. It had three stars out of five. I don't believe 60% is anything to write home about either folks. I have decided that people must not read reviews if these items are the top picks.

I am a crazy review reader. I don't buy anything without first consulting the reviews. It is time consuming and I wish I wasn't like this. I guess the only good to come from this is that I don't make impulse purchases.

My next question is for Target. Who decides your top-rated picks? Obviously the Up & Up Replacement Heads received MANY poor reviews. I always wonder if top-rated picks and the like on other websites are completely and purely randomly generated. This makes me go hmm.

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