It's cucumber time! Are your cukes ready? I've got all shapes and sizes. As you can see from the picture above. :) I love to eat cukes fresh out of the garden. Usually in a salad or plain with salt and pepper. Sometimes I run out of ideas. Today I am going to share with you a recipe that makes a great side dish for a BBQ or any summer dinner.
Creamy Cucumbers
Go get it:
3-5 medium or small cucumbers
2 Tablespoon sugar (or more to taste)
1 teaspoon salt (or more to taste)
White vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dried dill (fresh works too if you have it on hand)
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup sour cream
onion (optional)
Go make it:
Slice cucumbers very thin. I used a mandolione. Works like a charm. Just don't slice your fingers.
Place in a bowl and sprinkle sugar and salt over top. Mix well. Add enough vinegar to cover them. Let sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
Now drain all of the vinegar off. Make sure you get every last drop or your creamy cucumbers will be soupy. Add sour cream, onion, pepper and dill. Mix well. Refrigerate until well chilled. 
Looks so yummy! I just read a blog post last week where someone sliced a huge chunk of her fingertip off on that slicer!
Omigosh! It's really sharp. I hate to say it, but I start slicing really tall things without the safety slider. It doesn't work when things are really tall like cucumbers or carrots. So I do 1/2 and then use it. Shh! Don't tell. :/
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