If you can find some good deals and want to buy them all at once here's a coupon code to take $20 off purchases of $50+, $25 off $75+, $30 off $100+. It's OSPCOUPON2 and it expires 6/30/10. It's like getting 40% off of $50! Or sign up to receive their emails and get 20% off your first order. See what works best for you. So take you time and look aournd. Find some good deals. I have only purchased accessories from this site. Here's what I"ve seen so far:
Shoes :

- Faux-Snakeskin T-Straps $12.99. Only in size 10M in Black. VERY sexy, though!
- Metallic Gladiator Flats $9.99. Only in size 7M in Black. Very stylish and comfy looking.
- Patent Platform Peep-Toe Pumps $19.99. Only in sizes 8-10M (1/2 sizes too) in White. Very sexy also!

- T-Strap Heeled Sandal $12.99. Only in size 10M in black. Very cute for date night or even church. :)
- Step Up Comfort® "Kim" strappy leather huarache $10.78. Only in sizes 7-9M and W in Brown or 9W in Natural. These look like some super comfy sandals.

Hope you find some good deals. Let me know if you come up with some good finds.
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