The 520 Northland Ave. location is having a 1 Day Meat Sale on Friday, April 16th. They are doing this to celebrate their new ownership. I see the name has specifically changed to Schneider's Piggly Wiggly. There was a flyer in the Sunday paper yesterday. I noticed a coupon for a free reusable shopping bag! You need to spend $10 to get this, but if you were there doign some shopping anyway....why not. This should get you 5 cents off every shopping trip. It does at my store, but you might want to check. This coupon expires April 26, 2010. The Northland store isn't my main Pig store so I don't know every detail. If anyone has any other input that would be great.
1 Day Meat Sale Friday April 16th.
6 AM - 7 PM or while supplies last.
Boneless Ribeyes or New York Strip - $4.88/lb. Cut to order. $6.49/lb Angus is $6.99/lb. 14-18 lb. ave.
Certified Angus Petite Boneless Sirloin Steaks - $2.59/lb. Cut to order. Not on sale in Manitowoc.
Whole Beef Tenderloin - $3.98/lb. Trimmed Free. $4.49/lb. untrimmed in bag. Ask about trimming.
85% Lean Ground Chuck (Approximately 10 lb. packs) - $1.98/lb. $1.99/lb. in Manitowoc.
90% Extra Lean Ground Round (Approximately 10 lb. packs) - $2.49/lb. Same price in Manitowoc.
Johnsonville Brats (3 lb. box) Reg. Beer or Italian - $6.88. $0.55/1 here. $6.99 in Manitowoc. Reg. or beer.
Meaty Country Style Spare Ribs (family pack) - $1.29/lb. Same in Manitowoc, but says Pork Back Ribs.
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (clear wrap) - $1.79/lb. Or Drumsticks - $0.89/lb.
Sunchef Bonless Skinless Chicken Breasts (red color 3 lb. bag) - $4.99. Same price.
Old Wisconsin Weiners (Polish 28 oz, Cheddar 24 oz, or Pre-cooked 28 oz) - $3.99/pack. Save $1/1 here. Same price in Manitowoc.
Pork Sausage Patties (10 lb. box) - $0.89/lb. Same price in Manitowoc.
Country Smoked Bacon Ends and Pieces (10 lb. box) - $0.99/lb. Not shown in ad.
Whole Pork Tenderloins (1-2 lb. average) - $2.49/lb. Whole Boneless Farmland Pork Loin (1-2 lb. ave.) Buy One Get One.
Farmland Whole Trimmed Pork Loins (14-16 lb. ave.) - $1.59/lb. 10-12 lb. average $1.99/lb. in Manitowoc.
Fresh Dupont Cheese Curds - $2.99/lb. Not shown in ad.
Chermake Summer Sausage (24 oz. package) - $5.99 each.
Chermake Ring Bologna (14 oz. pkg., Reg. or Garlic) - $2.50 each.
Icelandic Haddock or Cod (5 lb. box) - $5.99/lb.
Fresh Chicken Leg Quarters (10 lb. bag) - $4.99 each.
10 lb. box, fully cooked, oven roasted Chicken Wings (10 lb. box) - $16.99.
6-8 lb. average, fresh whole Pork Butt (Cut into Steaks & Roast) - $1.29/lb.
Whole Sirloin Tip 10-12 lb. average, Certified Angus Beef - $2.49/lb. Cut free.
Certified Angus Beef, whole Boneless Top Sirloin (14-16 lb. ave.) Cut free! - $3.79/lb.
Whole Beef Short Loin Cut Free!! Cut into T-bones & Porterhouse (16-20 lb. ave. Certified Angus Beef) - $5.69/lb.
1339 N. 8th St., Manitowoc • 920-682-4931
Many more specials! See store for details.
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