Want to be a part of the Green Blog Hop? Here's what you need to do:
Please make sure that you are a blog aimed at going green, staying green, learning to be green yourself and plain old just being green...you catch my drift. As much fun as it is to befriend other bloggers it's even more fun to spread the word about being green and eco-friendly while making new friends. :)
- Follow the first three blogs (Going Green with Noah, Tales of the Wife, and And Then There Were 4). This is mandatory.
- Add your favorite green/organic/earth-friendly post from your blog to the McLinky. You'll see this down down down at the bottom of this post.
- Follow as many blogs as you like. The rule is you follow me and I'll follow you. Ok, it's not a rule, but I'm all about karma. Treat those as you want to be treated. Listen to what your mama told you. :)
- This Green Blog Hop McLinky starts on Tuesday night and ends Wednesday night. You have the rest of the week to follow and be followed.
- Create a blog post about the Green Blog Hop and include the Green Blog Hop button (up top). Please don't copy mine. Get creative.
Please note that this list will not carry over next week. Feel free to come back and add your name to the list again next Tuesday.
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