Thursday, August 12, 2010

Look what you can make out of your newpapers!

Photo by Jessica Jones

Check out that newspaper coolness! Jessica over at How About Orange made these super snazzy gift bags from old newspapers. How cool is that?! I mean I have only ever made paper hats or newspaper pots for my seeds or those origami thingies where you pick a color and then pick number and another number to  ultimately reveal your destiny. Way to one up me Jessica. Totally messin with you. I am now a big fan of you and all your orangeness.


Anonymous said...

I love this!

You mentioned pots for seedlings... Do you have a tutorial for those? I was telling someone about making them recently and she'd never heard of such a thing.


The NEW Mommiez Blend said...

Oh gosh, thanks!!! I totally spaced and forgot to add the link for the pots. I'll go do it right now :)

Aytch Rae said...

This is awesome. I do a lot of couponing, and I stress about the newspapers, even though I recycle them. Making them into bags...that's just adorable!